Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Kyrgyz food

Beside the Shashlik that we already met in a previous post, the Kyrgyz Republic has numerous other tasty dishes to offer - well, at least if you like meat and dough. Most of them also exist in a similar or slightly different form in either Russia or other countries of Central Asia.

Below a short summary of the local food I ate in Bishkek. There is one traditional drink, however, that I haven't encountered yet: the famous Kumis, made of fermented mare's milk. Several people told me that it doesn't taste like anything you already had. And they did not meant it in a positive way... I'll let you know as soon as I will have the burden pleasure to try it, which will for sure happen in the countryside.

The national dish of Kyrgystan Besh Barmak, which literally means Five Fingers, as nomads used to eat it with their hands. In the top left corner, a basket of Baursaki, a sweet and fat - and therefore very good - fried bread.
Tip of the day: knife are not used during meals; the food can easily be eaten with a fork and a spoon.

My all time favorite, Blini, a thin pancake found in most of the former soviet republics. 
Tip of the day: in Russian, you can say Blin! (the singular form of Blini) as a polite way for Damn!

Manti, dumplings made of lamb, beef, potatoes, onions, etc. 
Tip of the day: it also exists with pumpkins, but I haven't tasted that version yet.

Laghman, thick noodles served with meat and vegetables.
Tip of the day: do mix the noodles and the garnish together.

 Golubtsi, which are peppers stuffed with rice and meat.
Tip of the day: you will feel at home when you will notice that your home family prepare it in the exact same way as your girlfriend.

Pelmeni, an other Russian dish that I'm used to eat in Switzerland. It is some meat filled in thin dough, served with Smetana (sour cream) and dill. 
Tip of the day: put as much Smetana as you want on Russian dishes; don't do it with Central Asian ones!

 Khachapuri is a typical Georgian dish consisting of cheese and eggs baked within dough.
Tip of the day: after that, you will feel exactly the same as after eating a fondue moitié-moitié.

1 comment:

  1. Il faudra qu'on fasse un championnat du monde de manger de Blini la prochaine fois qu'on se voit!
