Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Daily routine

As you can imagine, I'm actually not hiking everyday in Ala-Archa or in some other magnificent national park. I'm primarily here to learn to speak Russian, so I go to school - the London School Of Languages and Cultures - where I get 5 hours of private lessons per day.

The London School Of Languages And Cultures.

The school is only 15 minutes away by foot from where I live. I start at 8:30 AM with 2 hours and 40 minutes of grammar, followed by a reading lesson of one hour twenty, a long break, and another one hour of conversation. With such schedule, I'm doing some solid progress!

 Baitik Baatyr, also known as Sovetskaya street. I walk everyday from here up to the school, in front of the tower.

Afterwards I have lunch either at school or at home, where I sometimes play board games with the kids - Ildar and Sanjar. I brought them as gifts Carcassonne and Pyramide d'Animaux, which they enjoy to play. Explaining the rules and playing with them in Russian is also a very good practice for me.

Playing Pyramide d'Animaux with the kids.

During the afternoon I usually go for a walk in the city during one or two hours. Now that I have seen the main sights, I just walk randomly where I haven't been yet. When coming back home, I do my homework or write this blog, and eat with my host family.

Random walk in Bishkek.

On Wednesday there is no school, but there are some optional workshops in groups about grammar and conversion during the afternoon. I regularly visit them, but unfortunately they are not very popular, so most of the time I end up alone or only with another student. Anyway I'm starting to know more and more people at school with whom I can go have a drink.

My room in the apartment.

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