Thursday, August 24, 2017


As a Swiss citizen, I'm allowed to stay in Kyrgyzstan up to 60 days without visa. But I'm actually planning to stay 71 days there. So what do I do? I am actually allowed to exit and reenter the country as many times as I want. And the best part is: each time I get 60 fresh new days! Since Kazakhstan does not require any visa either, and is only 20 kilometers away from Bishkek, that solves my problem!

My cousin Eliane being already back in Switzerland, we went with Lilia and Milena for three days to Almaty, the cultural capital of Kazakhstan. From the Kyrgyz capital, it is a 4 hours drive in marshrutka (minibus).

In Bishkek, one can still see and feel the soviet influence. Almaty however looks like a modern European city: large avenues, big malls, lots of shops, cafes, restaurants, clubs, etc.

 Welcome to Kazakhstan, or Good luck as they wrote at the customs.

 After crossing the border, the Kazakh steppes replaced the Kirghiz mountains.

 Between the two cities, it is mostly uninhabited.

 Approaching Almaty, there are some villages again.

 Like Bishkek, the city is very green.

 Unlike Bishkek, there are some canals.

From the center, we took a gondola to Kok-Tobe, a hill overlooking Almaty.

 The view from Kok-Tobe.

 The Kazakh city is at the foot of the Ala-Too mountain range.

 In front of the Dostyk Plaza, a big shopping mall.

 Almaty is much more stroller friendly than Bishkek.

...except that currently there are roadworks in most avenues of the center.

 Ascension Cathedral, also in maintenance.

 The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

 The Independence Monument.

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