Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Duet hostel

After learning Russian during one month in Bishkek, my plan was to apply my newly acquired skills in the field. A few months ago, I contacted the Duet Hostel in Karakol through, and we agreed that I would volunteer there for four weeks. The hostel consist of a 12 beds dorm, three yurts with 7 beds each, and a cafe serving breakfast, sandwiches and drinks, where the guests can meet each other.

I have several duties such as handle reservations, perform check-ins, maintain the website or inform guests about the hikes and excursions in the area. The work is pretty relaxed; there is another volunteer, Andrea, and the owner, Anara, gives us a lot of freedom and flexibility. With Andrea, we organize our working time ourselves, and it is never a problem if one of us wants to go to the city or even leave for a trek during several days.

As for my Russian, most of the guests are European, so I end up practicing much more my French, English and German. I also bought a book in Bishkek with Russian exercises, expecting to work on it every day, but that did not happened either... But anyway, what I like the most here is that I meet lot of new people. There is always someone to have dinner with, or a group to go hiking together. 

The Duet Hostel.

In front of the yurts with Andrea.

 Working at the reception.

The cafe where our guests socialize together.

At the bar with Anara, the owner of the hostel.

With Cezim who was working at the bar during her summer holidays.

Pancakes at almost every breakfast.

My most important duty is actually to play Uno with our guests.

Eating in the kitchen of the dorm with French friends.

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